Mi Casa es Su Casa
¡Bienvenidos! We are very happy you are here.
Please keep in mind:
The Wi-Fi network is Abogados Cafe. PW: bestcoffee
Kindly limit your visit to 90 minutes. We want other customers to enjoy our tiny shop. (We are not trying to be a coworking space here.)
If you spill something, let us know. Hiding it makes it worse.
When you are done, you may leave everything on the table. We'll take care of it for you!
We will clean after each guest/group, so don't mind the loud vacuum cleaner.
The plants are real. Do not touch, feed, or water them.
Our décor is for your enjoyment here. Do not move it around or take it with you.
Our tables are level, but the tile they rest on has a rustic finish. So if a table is wobbly, just spin it around slowly to find the right level spot.
We have two gender-neutral bathrooms down the hall.
We compost almost everything. So please sort out trash and discard it properly. When in doubt, trash it out.
Our Mercadito is fully stocked, so shop to your heart’s content!
SMILE: you are on camera!
1053 Dale St. N, Ste. 102, St. Paul, MN 55117 - Yummiest Decaf in town!
LOS DE SIEMPRE 12 oz Espresso (2 oz) 5 Americano 5 Lawtte 6 Cappuccino 6 Mocha (Premium +2) 7 Cold Brew 6 Nitro Cold Brew 7 Drip 4 Mucho Drip (16 oz) 5
LOS ESPECIALES 12 oz Fearless Lawtte 7 lawtte + cayenne + cinnamon Motion Granted 7 (Premium +2) lawtte + sweet coconut ReSipsa Lawquitur 7 lawtte + banana + cinnamon Ex Parte (no milk) 7 inv. Americano + lavender + french vanilla
LOS HISPANOS Café con Leche (12 oz) 6 Chocolate Mexicano (12 oz) 10 Cubano (3 oz) 6 Cortado (4 oz) 6 Cortadito (4 oz) 6 Café Bombón (4 oz) 6.5 Colada (8 oz) 14 Miami lovers, rejoice with this shareable Cuban-inspired hot coffee drink. Café de Colador (40 oz) 14 The ultimate Latin American coffee pot experience. Dine-in only.
LECHES*: Whole // Skim // Lactose-free 2% // Oat
SABORES*: French Vanilla // Coconut // Banana // Lavender // Cinnamon // Caramel
COMIDA 6 Spinach & Artichoke Roll Savory Danish Sweet Danish Coffee Cake Chocolate Croissant Ham & Cheese Croissant 7
GRANOS & MOLIDOS 21 Guatemala Roast Honduras Roast México Roast Perú Decaf Roast El Paquete Completo 74
LOS OTROS 12 oz Masala Chai 6 / Dirty Chai 7 Hot Cocoa (Premium +2) 5.5 Hugo Tea 4 earl grey or jasmine green Herbal Rishi Tea 4 chamomile, lavender mint, or turmeric ginger
CHIKI MENU 12 oz Choc milk 5.5 steamer 4 Cold milk 4
*No additional charges unless it's an add-on. †Each bag contains 12 oz of fair-trade or direct-trade, organic Arabica roasted coffee. Choose from whole beans, or any of the following grounds: espresso, fine, drip, coarse.